What a dilemma.
Should it be personal or professional? Make it relevant to your business but don’t hard sell. Make it SEO efficient in order to get Google bots crawling over your website. Make it personal and thought provoking enough to entertain your readers but contain content that may help grow your business. It’s a minefield.
Try and research blog writing online and you get masses of results from people who blog about writing blogs – a media snake endlessly eating its own blogging tail.
I guess it’s part of setting up your own business and getting your name known out there – overcoming the ingrained desire of not wanting to boast or blow your own trumpet. Only you can make your business a success and that is going to involve the bits you don’t like, whether its self-promotion or creating (and sticking to) a survival budget.
For me the writing, typing, and general office organising comes easily and is (sadly) enjoyable. The selling myself and my business to clients is a new challenge! But challenging days are interesting days and it’s never boring. If you’re in the happy place where you need some help around the office please get in touch, I’m always happy to have a cup of tea and a chat.